
Fundamentals of Computational Media Design

Gary Escudero

a line in a haystack
Problem 1e:  Make a line that responds to the mouse
line launcher
Problem 3b:  Read DD pp. 38 to 66. Using the basic element of the Line and Dot, construct an image that is evocative of the intent and spirit of a Line. Define this drawing as a single Command 'MyLine' that you invoke just once.
Problem 1f:  Represent yourself as a dbnlet
Problem 5a:  Using real sinusoidals, generate a shape with primarily convex properties.
Problem 5b:  Render the smooth temporal interpolation between two polygonal entities.

magic bar-code maker

Problem 7a:  Create a general method for abstractly filling the DBN paper area at variable percentages. In a display loop, show the 25 percent, 50 percent, and 75 percent solutions in rotation.
Problem 8b:  Choose 1 of your 10 keyverbs/keyadjectives from class and represent it as a single interactive piece with no typography. No static representations allowed. Many in class used nouns -- no nouns allowed. Be sure to leave the keyverb/keyadjective as a comment at the top of your code.
 Problem 9b:  Do problem 9A, this time with a temporal display of the difference in display area.








































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