import math


#establish polygon as a list of coordinates

def globalpoint(cx, cy, r, degrees):
#positions dot in relation to centerpoint cx, cy
x = cx + r * (math.cos(degrees*math.pi/180.0)) #x=rcos(theta)+shiftx
y = cy + r * (math.sin(degrees*math.pi/180.0)) #y=rsin(theta)+shifty
return [x, y] #returns list [x, y] describing global point position

def polygon (cx, cy, r, polypts, degreeshift):
polypoints = []
globalpolylist = []
while len(polypoints)>0:
polypoints[0] = degreeshift + polypoints[0]
#shift first vertex by degreeshift number of degrees
pair = globalpoint (cx, cy, r, polypoints[0])
globalpolylist.append (pair)
#adds pair to globalpolylist in the form [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...,]
del polypoints[0]
#removes first vertex recursively
return globalpolylist
#command polygon returns globalpolylist for polypoints

decpoints = [0, 36, 72, 108, 144, 180, 216, 252, 288, 324]
#gives the angle vertices of a regular decagon

def decagon (cx, cy, r, degreeshift):
return polygon (cx, cy, r, decpoints, degreeshift)
#this polygon is a decagon, and returns a globalpolylist for itself

def xcoor (polygonname, vertexindex):
#extracts the x-coordinate of a particular vertex from the
# globalpolylist of a particular polygon
def ycoor (polygonname, vertexindex):

#a list of operations on the polygon

def connectlines (polygonname, color):
##draws edges of polygon
polyname = []
polyname.extend (polygonname)
#makes a duplicate of globalpolylist for polygonname
polyname.append (polyname[0])
#sets up for last point to connect to first
while len(polyname)>1:
#1 rather than 0 sets up for g.line using pairs of points
g.line(int(xcoor(polyname, 0)), int(ycoor(polyname, 0)), int(xcoor(polyname, 1)), int(ycoor(polyname, 1)))
del polyname[0]

def dot (cx, cy, color):
##creates a dot centered at (cx, cy)
for i in range (0, 360):
angle = math.pi*i/180.0
for r in range (0, 2):
c = int (cx + math.cos(angle)*r)
s = int (cy + math.sin(angle)*r)
g.setPixel(c, s, color)

def drawdots (polygonname, color):
##draws points of polygon
polyname = []
polyname.extend (polygonname)
while len(polyname)>0:
dot (xcoor(polyname, 0), ycoor(polyname, 0), color)
del polyname[0]

def circle (cx, cy, radius, color):
for degrees in range (0, 360):
radians = degrees * math.pi/180.0
sin = int(radius*math.sin(radians))
cos = int(radius*math.cos(radians))
g.setPixel (int(cx)+cos, int(cy)+sin, color)

def circlepoint (polygonname, radius, color):
##draws circles around points
polyname = []
polyname.extend (polygonname)
while len(polyname)>0:
circle (xcoor(polyname, 0), ycoor(polyname, 0), radius, color)
del polyname[0]

#drawing pictures
while 1:
m1 = g.getMouse(1)
m2 = g.getMouse(2)
decradius = (m1+100-m2)/4
if (g.getMouse(3) > 0):
decagonA = (decagon(m1, m2, decradius, 5))
connectlines(decagonA, 40)
drawdots(decagonA, 70)
circlepoint(decagonA, decradius/2, 50)
g.paper (20)
5c) relate a 10 point polygon to the position of the mouse

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