This is a musician's approach to animation. As a musicion I have a
pre-existing language for thinking about temporal relationships. Although
crippled by Java's timing problems (!) this animation is an attempt to
script visual sequences using some of the language.
Concepts of both intra and inter-note rythmn can used. Inside an individual
note we could use the simple attack-sustain-decay model for the onset,
duration and release of a 'note' - this is explored using a ASD model to
vary thespeed of a single sequence. Outside the single note, we have
questions of timbre and contrast - here, cutting between image
sequences. On a higher level again, we have the opening and merging
perceptual streams characteristic of counterpoint,
To this end, an object library was built both to heirachically group slices
from image sequences together into structures analogus to the multiplets of
a musical score and to provide ASD style control over playback speed. Both
work with streams which progress throughout the piece to suggest a sense of
time and of development. Timings were reconstructed, semi-automatically,
from a recorded audio sequence.