Problem Set #4
Part 1
Hand in: p1.class
Given a single parameter, 'mx' ranging from 0 to 1.0, create a static image of a declared value (0 to 1) in BALANCE and INSTABILITY. NOTE: FOR ALL PROBLEMS ONLY GRAY VALUES ALLOWED, LINES, AND RECTANGLES. NOTHING ELSE.
Part 2
Hand in: p2.class
Given two parameters, 'mx' and 'my' both ranging from 0 to 1.0, create a static image valued in SYMMETRY and ASYMMETRY.
Part 3
Hand in: p3.class
Given a single parameter, 'mx' ranging from 0 to 1.0, create an animation that lasts exactly 2.5 seconds valued in REGULARITY and IRREGULARITY.
Part 4
Hand in: p4.class
Given two parameters, 'mx' and 'my' both ranging from 0 to 1.0, create an animation that lasts exactly 2.5 seconds valued in UNITY and FRAGMENTATION.
Part 5
Hand in: p5.class
Given a constantly varying parameter, 'mx' ranging from 0 to 1.0, create an interactive image valued in ECONOMY and INTRICACY.
Part 6
Hand in: p6.class
Given two constantly changing parameters, 'mx' and 'my' both ranging from 0 to 1.0, create an interactive image valued in UNDERSTATEMENT and EXAGGERATION.