School Address
403 Memorial Dr
Cambridge, MA  02139
(617) 494-8250
Home Address
1634 Virginia Ave
Palm Harbor, FL  34683
(727) 787-9634

Objective Secure an intense and challenging position utilizing computer science and electrical engineering.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA
Candidate for BS in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, June 2003. GPA: 3.8
Relevant courses: Intro to Computer Graphics, Intro to Game Design, Software Engineering Lab, Microcomputer Project Lab, Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs, Information Theory &
Entropy, Circuits & Electronics, Signals & Systems, Computation Structures, Computer Systems Engineering, Autonomous Robot Design, Computational Media Design, Mathematics for Computer
Science, Mathematics and Physics for Computer Graphics, Natural Language and the Computer Representation of Knowledge, Artificial Intelligence, Intro to Algorithms, Japanese I - V

Engineering, Service Experience
Chinon Industries Inc. (June 10 - Aug 23, 2002) Chino City, Japan
Student Intern under both F/ W and Hardware Groups. Primary Responsibilities: Create Digital Camera
Test Board Circuitry; Program 8 and 16 Bit Microcontrollers and develop various Serial Communication Functions and Protocols; Incorporate and program custom 32-character LCD; Create Software
Application for Serial Communication with Next Generation Digital Camera and Dock using Visual C++. Developed a level of Japanese fluency and gained Microcontroller and Serial know-how.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (October 2002 - continuing) Cambridge, MA
The Textscape Aesthetics and Computation Group MIT Media Lab: Develop online interactive system
to support multiple users in real time for add on into Professor John Maeda's Open Attelier Project.
(Jan - May 2002) Vision for the Blind Center for Advanced Visual Studies: Incorporate collision detection/reaction into a virtual environment.
(Feb - May 2000): Continued R & D on our potentially patentable Second Summer Program creation.

Autonomous Robot Design (Jan 5-31, 2002) Cambridge, MA
Strategized, designed, constructed, and programmed a completely autonomous robot using legos, sensors,
and circuits with various production constraints for the end competition. 4-week period.

Texas Instruments (June 11 - Aug 16, 2001) Dallas, TX
Student Intern under the Wireless Communications Business Unit in the IC Design group. Primary
responsibilities/Project: Timing Wrapper Generation, create software tool to enhance process efficiency.
(June 12 - Aug 15, 2000) WCBU: Primary responsibilities: Static Timing Analysis, Perl Programming,
Waveform Generation, familiarity with Synopsys Design Programs, Timing Designer. Project: Automate timing extraction, calculation, and waveform generation by means of a Perl script.

Community: Habitat for Humanity; Casper Homeless Shelter; 1M Boys & Girls Club; MIT City Days

Computer Experience
Familiar with: Microsoft, UNIX, & Linux Environments; MS Word, Excel, FrontPage, and PowerPoint;
Visual C++ (Visual Studio), PERL, Python, HTML, JAVA, Forte, CAD, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop,
EMACS, MATLAB, Synopsys Timing Designer, MIT SCHEME (Lisp), JSim

Leadership, Honors,
& Interests
Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity: Community Service Chair, House Manager, Rush Committee
Chi Alpha: President, Evangelism Chair, Student Leader; Jiu Jitsu: President, Bushido, Instructor,
Treasurer, 1st Kyu, Instructor's Choice; MIT: Project Interphase; Outstanding Engineering &
Science Student, Best Overall Engineering Projects, Tandy/ Radio Shack Scholar, GTE & Army
Academic/ Athletic All-Star.
Other: Anime Club, Break Dancing Club, Salsa, drafting (mechanical, architectural, design), artistry,
epic story, public speaking