Problem Set #6
Part 1
Hand in: p1.class
Display 8 unique shades of red that are of a bright palette. Note that red is not just when G=0, B=0, and R is something. Pick these values by hand, and not by using HSV. Choose a gray value that corresponds to the identical perceived lightness of each shade of red. Display this value alongside the corresponding red.
Part 2
Hand in: p2.class
Display 8 unique shades of green that are of a dark palette. Again note that green is not just when R=0, B=0, and G is something. Again, pick these values by hand. Choose a gray value that corresponds to the identical perceived darkness of each shade of green. Display this value alongside the corresponding green.
Part 3
Hand in: p3.class
Display 8 unique shades of blue that are of a light palette. Of course blue is not just when R=0, G=0, and B is something. Yes again, pick these values by hand. Choose a gray value that corresponds to the identical perceived lightness of each shade of blue. Display this value alongside the corresponding blue.