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Using the dot drawing technique described in Chapter 8 of the DBN book, manually position
*exactly* 50 dots on your page that look as though they are randomly placed, but still form a
cohesive recognizable image that is non-typographic and non-symbolic.Pipe Dreams
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In Primer of Visual Literacy (DD) read pp. 0-37. Using DBN, create a perceptual glitch, i.e.
a visual illusion. Your illusion should be constructed by reusing at least 1 similar part
via use of the 'command' command in Chapter 12 of the DBN book.Parabolic Scale
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Visualize a geometric progression (GP) of your choice in a concrete manner that emphasizes
the wide range of scales inherent to a GP. This is a simple exercise in Cartesian geometry
that can look as mathy as you like, or not.Free-Dimensional
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Read DD pp. 38 to 66. Using the basic element of the Line and Dot, construct an image that
is evocative of the intent and spirit of a Line. Define this drawing as a single Command 'MyLine'
that you invoke just once.Abstract Egg
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Read RK pp. 67 to 102. Evoke the image of an 'egg' shape: smooth, round, yet not entirely
symmetrical, using all the DBN knowledge you might have at your disposal.
Think closely about how the surface of the egg should be textured and decorated.
Establish a clear underlying concept of computation, which will be demonstrated by your
cleanliness of code.Where the Horizon Meets the Highway
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Read RK pp. 105 to 146. Reinterpret one of your previous pieces as a surrealist image.
Include the name of the previous assignment in your comments.Contrasting Shapes
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Read DD pp. 67 to 103. Create a dynamic composition of two contrasting elements (i.e. color,
shape quality, movement, etc.) Use comments to explain what you're contrasting.The Drill
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Using real sinusoidals, generate a shape with primarily convex properties.