# Problem 7A # # Create a general method for abstractly filling the DBN paper area at # variable percentages. In a display loop, show the 25 percent, 50 # percent, and 75 percent solutions in rotation. import math g.paper(100) g.pen(0) g.norefresh() def spiraller(xc, yc, radius, turns, points, color): canvas = [] for n in range(points): x1 = xc + float(n)/points*radius*math.cos(turns+float(n)/points) y1 = yc + float(n)/points*radius*math.sin(turns+float(n)/points) g.setPixel(int(x1),int(y1),color) def fillspace(space, color): g.paper(100-color) for n in range(space): spiraller(50,50,75,float(n)/4,100,color) g.refresh() g.paper(100-color) def space(percent): return int(percent*1.5) while 1: fillspace(space(25),100) fillspace(space(50),75) fillspace(space(75),0)