GUITAR: Problem 2C
In Passages in Modern Sculpture (RK) read pp. 0-67. Using DBN, create an image in the cubist spirit of "The Guitar" (p. 51). You should use at least 5 'command' definitions.
LINE: Problem 3B Read DD pp. 38 to 66. Using the basic element of the Line and Dot, construct an image that is evocative of the intent and spirit of a Line. Define this drawing as a single Command 'MyLine' that you invoke just once.
DESPAIR: Problem 4A Read RK pp. 105 to 146. Reinterpret one of your previous pieces as a surrealist image. Include the name of the previous assignment in your comments.
EGG: Problem 3C Read RK pp. 67 to 102. Evoke the image of an 'egg' shape: smooth, round, yet not entirely symmetrical, using all the DBN knowledge you might have at your disposal. Think closely about how the surface of the egg should be textured and decorated. Establish a clear underlying concept of computation, which will be demonstrated by your cleanliness of code.
ME: Problem 1F Represent yourself as a dbnlet
Problem 8C Choose 3 of your 10 keyverbs/keyadjectives from class and represent them together as a single interactive piece with no typography. Again no static representations allowed. Again many in class used nouns -- no nouns allowed. Be sure to leave the 3 keyverbs/keyadjectives as a comment at the top of your code. This still is part of a dynamic piece (Displayed at D:\fry\dbn\app\experimental\test\jic\movies.html) The theme is "Friendship" and the three keyadjectives are "Hurtful," "Accepting," and "Healing."
Problem 8B Choose 1 of your 10 keyverbs/keyadjectives from class and represent it as a single interactive piece with no typography. No static representations allowed. Many in class used nouns -- no nouns allowed. Be sure to leave the keyverb/keyadjective as a comment at the top of your code These stills are also parts of a dynamic piece (Also displayed at D:\fry\dbn\app\experimental\test\jic\movies.html) The theme is "Friendship" and the keyadjective is "Changing."