go back to the static images of my work. return to the course exhibition page.
staircase Visualize a geometric progression (GP) of your choice in a concrete manner that emphasizes the wide range of scales inherent to a GP. This is a simple exercise in Cartesian geometry that can look as mathy as you like, or not. View the source code for this piece. mobile Using the basic element of the Line and Dot, construct an image that is evocative of the intent and spirit of a Line. Define this drawing as a single Command 'MyLine' that you invoke just once. View the source code for this piece. mechanical dandelion Reinterpret one of your previous pieces as a surrealist image. Include the name of the previous assignment in your comments. View the source code for this piece. sea urchin Using real sinusoidals, generate a shape with primarily convex properties. View the source code for this piece. puppet Relate a 10 point polygon to the position of the mouse. View the source code for this piece. building Create a generally smooth gradation of white to black, from left to right using only a 100 percent black pen. View the source code for this piece. rocking Choose 1 of your 10 keyverbs/keyadjectives from class and represent it as a single interactive piece with no typography. piece with no typography. No static representations allowed. Many in class used nouns -- no nouns allowed. Be sure to leave the keyverb/keyadjective as a comment at the top of your code. View the source code for this piece. streamers Your display is now 200 by 200. Emphasize the difference between your early 100 by 100 display area and the now larger 200 by 200 display area with a interactively motivated graphic. View the source code for this piece.
mobile Using the basic element of the Line and Dot, construct an image that is evocative of the intent and spirit of a Line. Define this drawing as a single Command 'MyLine' that you invoke just once. View the source code for this piece. mechanical dandelion Reinterpret one of your previous pieces as a surrealist image. Include the name of the previous assignment in your comments. View the source code for this piece. sea urchin Using real sinusoidals, generate a shape with primarily convex properties. View the source code for this piece. puppet Relate a 10 point polygon to the position of the mouse. View the source code for this piece. building Create a generally smooth gradation of white to black, from left to right using only a 100 percent black pen. View the source code for this piece. rocking Choose 1 of your 10 keyverbs/keyadjectives from class and represent it as a single interactive piece with no typography. piece with no typography. No static representations allowed. Many in class used nouns -- no nouns allowed. Be sure to leave the keyverb/keyadjective as a comment at the top of your code. View the source code for this piece. streamers Your display is now 200 by 200. Emphasize the difference between your early 100 by 100 display area and the now larger 200 by 200 display area with a interactively motivated graphic. View the source code for this piece.
mechanical dandelion Reinterpret one of your previous pieces as a surrealist image. Include the name of the previous assignment in your comments. View the source code for this piece. sea urchin Using real sinusoidals, generate a shape with primarily convex properties. View the source code for this piece. puppet Relate a 10 point polygon to the position of the mouse. View the source code for this piece. building Create a generally smooth gradation of white to black, from left to right using only a 100 percent black pen. View the source code for this piece. rocking Choose 1 of your 10 keyverbs/keyadjectives from class and represent it as a single interactive piece with no typography. piece with no typography. No static representations allowed. Many in class used nouns -- no nouns allowed. Be sure to leave the keyverb/keyadjective as a comment at the top of your code. View the source code for this piece. streamers Your display is now 200 by 200. Emphasize the difference between your early 100 by 100 display area and the now larger 200 by 200 display area with a interactively motivated graphic. View the source code for this piece.
sea urchin Using real sinusoidals, generate a shape with primarily convex properties. View the source code for this piece. puppet Relate a 10 point polygon to the position of the mouse. View the source code for this piece. building Create a generally smooth gradation of white to black, from left to right using only a 100 percent black pen. View the source code for this piece. rocking Choose 1 of your 10 keyverbs/keyadjectives from class and represent it as a single interactive piece with no typography. piece with no typography. No static representations allowed. Many in class used nouns -- no nouns allowed. Be sure to leave the keyverb/keyadjective as a comment at the top of your code. View the source code for this piece. streamers Your display is now 200 by 200. Emphasize the difference between your early 100 by 100 display area and the now larger 200 by 200 display area with a interactively motivated graphic. View the source code for this piece.
puppet Relate a 10 point polygon to the position of the mouse. View the source code for this piece. building Create a generally smooth gradation of white to black, from left to right using only a 100 percent black pen. View the source code for this piece. rocking Choose 1 of your 10 keyverbs/keyadjectives from class and represent it as a single interactive piece with no typography. piece with no typography. No static representations allowed. Many in class used nouns -- no nouns allowed. Be sure to leave the keyverb/keyadjective as a comment at the top of your code. View the source code for this piece. streamers Your display is now 200 by 200. Emphasize the difference between your early 100 by 100 display area and the now larger 200 by 200 display area with a interactively motivated graphic. View the source code for this piece.
building Create a generally smooth gradation of white to black, from left to right using only a 100 percent black pen. View the source code for this piece. rocking Choose 1 of your 10 keyverbs/keyadjectives from class and represent it as a single interactive piece with no typography. piece with no typography. No static representations allowed. Many in class used nouns -- no nouns allowed. Be sure to leave the keyverb/keyadjective as a comment at the top of your code. View the source code for this piece. streamers Your display is now 200 by 200. Emphasize the difference between your early 100 by 100 display area and the now larger 200 by 200 display area with a interactively motivated graphic. View the source code for this piece.
rocking Choose 1 of your 10 keyverbs/keyadjectives from class and represent it as a single interactive piece with no typography. piece with no typography. No static representations allowed. Many in class used nouns -- no nouns allowed. Be sure to leave the keyverb/keyadjective as a comment at the top of your code. View the source code for this piece. streamers Your display is now 200 by 200. Emphasize the difference between your early 100 by 100 display area and the now larger 200 by 200 display area with a interactively motivated graphic. View the source code for this piece.
streamers Your display is now 200 by 200. Emphasize the difference between your early 100 by 100 display area and the now larger 200 by 200 display area with a interactively motivated graphic. View the source code for this piece.