Relate a 10 point polygon to
the position of the mouse.
# it was interesting how, given a shape, the user can decorate
# it with the mouse. notice how the lighter lines mirror the
# shape of the darker polygon.
while 1:
g.line(20, g.getMouse(1), 10, 50)
g.line(80, g.getMouse(1), 90, 50)
g.line(20, g.getMouse(2), 80, g.getMouse(2))
g.line(20, 70, 80, 70)
g.line(20, 30, 80, 30)
g.line(20, 70, 20, 60)
g.line(20, 30, 20, 40)
g.line(80, 70, 80, 60)
g.line(80, 30, 80, 40)
g.line(20, 60, 10, 50)
g.line(10, 50, 20, 40)
g.line(80, 60, 90, 50)
g.line(90, 50, 80, 40)