MAS 110 Fundamentals of Computational Media Design
Lecture WF 2-3 (E15-054), Recitation M 2-3 (E15-054)Instruction Staff:
Prof. John Maeda ( E15-448, 3-3133
Jared Schiffman ( TA
Tom White ( TA
Course Description:
Introduces principles of analysis and synthesis in the computational medium. Expressive examples that illustrate the intersection of computation with the traditional arts are developed on a weekly basis. Hands-on design exercises are continually framed and examined in the larger context of activity at the Media Laboratory. Limited enrollment with preference given to freshmen.Course Requirements:
This course is administered in a studio-style fashion. Requirements are mandatory attendance, completion of the weekly assignments, completion of mid-term, and participation in the final exhibition.Grading:
Total Grade = 15% attendance & class participation + 60% problem sets + 10% midterm + 15% exhibitionMain Text:
readings from Maeda, J. Design by Numbers. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999.Selected Readings:
Arnheim, R. Art and Visual Perception. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.
Dondis, D. A Primer of Visual Literacy. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1974.
Bringhurst, R. The Elements of Typography Style. New York: Hartley & Marks, 1996.
Rand. P. Design, Form, and Chaos. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997.
Burnham, J. Beyond Modern Sculpture. New York: George Braziller, 1967.Spring 1999 Course Schedule
Week 1 2.3 W Introductory Lecture 2.5 F DBN 1, PS1 Handed out Basic Computational Expression Week 2 2.8 M 2.10 W DBN 2 2.12 F PS1 Due, PS2 Handed out Advanced Computational Expression Week 3 2.15 M->2.16 T 2.17 W DBN 3 2.19 F PS2 Due, PS3 Handed out Form 1
ToneWeek 4 2.22 M 2.24 W 2.26 F PS3 Due, PS4 Handed out Form 2
ShapeWeek 5 3.1 M 3.3 W 3.5 F PS4 Due, PS5 Handed out Form 3
InteractionsWeek 6 3.8 M 3.10 W 3.12 F PS5 Due, PS6 Handed out Type 1
WordsWeek 7 3.15 M 3.17 W 3.19 F PS6 Due, PS7 Handed out Type 2
GridsWeek Null 3.22 M Spring Break 3.24 W " 3.26 F " Week 8 3.29 M 3.31 W 4. 2 F PS7 Due, PS8 Handed out Type 3
LettersWeek 9 4.5 M 4.7 W 4.9 F PS8 Due, PS9 Handed out Form + Type 1
Exhibition/PRWeek 10 4.12 M 4.14 W 4.16 F PS9 Due, PS10 Handed out Form + Type 2
Exhibition/PortfolioWeek 11 4.19 M Patriot's Day Break 4.21 W 4.23 F Week 12 4.26 M 4.28 W PS10 Due 4.30 F Week 13 5.3 M 5.5 W 5.7 F Week 14 5.10 M EXHIBITION 5.12 W Last day of classes (5.13)