we will run a 'computational illustration' workshop where 2 people will share a single computer and create graphics using the 'design by numbers' environment developed here at the media laboratory. topics covered will include everything from static, dynamic, reactive, and networked illustration.

workshop attendants should be preferably 'non-digital savvy', i.e. designers who refuse to use the computer, or else designers not so comfortable with the computer. the content is designed for ages 20 to 70.

about the group we are the aesthetics & computation group at the mit media laboratory, founded 3 years ago by john maeda as a place to explore advanced issues regarding expression in the digital medium. we blur the distinction between 'programmer/engineer' and 'designer/artist' in a manner that enables the maximum potential of the medium to be unleashed. 'design by numbers (dbn)' is a project developed over 5 years of research by john maeda in the area of teaching computer programming to artists and designers. the dbn system is free and accessible from the web at http://dbn.media.mit.edu.

By Numbers
John Maeda
Director,Aesthetics & Computation Group, MIT Media Laboratory
SonyCareer Development Professor of Media Arts & Sciences

August 25, 1999
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Freelecture at 5:30 pm by reservation

$125 registration fee for the workshop. Attendees will receive a free copy of Design By Numbers, donated by MIT Press
Limitedattendance (30 for workshop, 75 for lecture) RSVP for the workshop and/or lecture to: Michelle Piano michelle_piano@aiga.org 212.807.1990 ext. 250
AIGANational Design Center, 164 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010