Allen Rabinovich '04
aramis @
(617) 225-7240

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Aesthetics and Computation Group
MIT Media Laboratory


     I work with the Aesthetics and Computation Group under the mentorship of Dr. John Maeda at MIT Media Laboratory, because I believe that the future of communication is in the hands of those who have excelled both in engineering and visual arts.

     I have worked on a few different projects while here, but I try to center my research on developing systems that attract the users with their simplicity, yet are capable of accomplishing challenging tasks. The problems I like to solve come both from the domain of pure engineering (such as developing the actual "engine" that drives the system) and from the domain of pure design (developing the very interface that makes the system highly usable.) Help yourself to the sections below to find out more about my past and ongoing projects and, well, other things.



Part of Dr. Maeda's "Open Atelier", this is a www exhibition system with a simple, yet powerful interface for creation and maintenance of an online museum with multiple galleries. In addition to the online portion of the interface, a new way of data input to a website by means of a telephone is being developed (the curator will be able to create audio commentary for exhibits over the phone).
Uses: Python 2.2, dedicated mySQL server (RedHat), Microsoft's TAPI and SAPI libraries, Pythonware's PIL. See it being built (username: aramis, password: abc123).

Created in light of the farce election of 2000, this is an online system that permits its users to create and conduct their own votes and polls. While intuitive and easy to use, the system does not restrict the user in virtually any way (as most of the systems of this kin do) and creates clean, easy-to-use voting pages.
Uses: Perl. Currently offline for a rebuild, see screenshots.



A formal list of a few things I have done. Goes back to when I headed the New York City Math Team (that was last century, but vanity is still here). See it right here (PDF).

Yeah, I do that, too. Here are just a few, more are coming.

AI Projects
Two semi-large a.i. projects done under the direction of Jacob Beal, a cool graduate researcher at the MIT AI Lab: Deskworker Scheduler & Spam Filter (PDF).

Russian Samurai
A software/hardware project for a LEGO robotics competition at MIT. Russian Samurai is a smart robot with grabby arms.

In Memoriam:
Douglas Adams
My small tribute to an incredible genius, whose clear mind made the world quite a bit better.





Namistai is a Sanskrit word that means "I bow to the divine in you." It's a greeting, a welcome, an invitation to communicate.

I live in the Internet these days, so say hi. My screenname's KeenHarlequin, on AIM.