Golan Levin
golan at flong dot com

Golan Levin is an artist, designer and composer interested in creating artifacts and experiences which explore supple new modes of audiovisual expression. His work has focused on the design of systems for the creation and performance of simultaneous image and sound, as part of a more general examination of communications protocols for individual engagement and non-verbal dialogue. Most recently, Levin and his colleagues presented the Dialtones Telesymphony (2001), a concert whose sounds are wholly performed through the choreographed ringing of the audience's own mobile phones. Levin was granted an Award of Distinction in the Prix Ars Electronica for his Audiovisual Environment Suite (2000) interactive software and its accompanying audiovisual performance, Scribble (2000), developed in collaboration with Scott Gibbons and Greg Shakar. Between 1998 and 2000, Levin studied with John Maeda in the Aesthetics and Computation Group at the MIT Media Laboratory; prior to this, he worked as a research scientist and interaction designer at Interval Research Corporation for four years. He currently lives and works in New York City.

Curriculum Vitć {HTML}
Master's thesis document {PDF}

http://www.flong.com/ {NEW HOME SITE}
http://acg.media.mit.edu/people/golan/ {OLD HOME SITE}
Revised: Autumn 2001.