Introduction: Eraser Essay
As a rule women, being very superior beings, should not be compared to mere things, yet I make this comparison to illustrate a point.
Example A. The Three Spinners.
Here's the story. Once upon a time, a mother had two daughters. The first and elder daughter had a flawless soul. And being placed in a convent from an early age, her virtue outshone the goodness of her sisters at the convent and her sister at home. Yet, the second and younger daughter, though less virtuous and less industrious, lazy if truth must be told, was the most beautiful girl that that the sun shone on. (Here, plot, being only a route to the same ending, is omitted.) The prince chooses Beauty as wife (for that's what the beautiful girl was called) over her sister, Practicality. The End.
So, in terms of consumer goods, Beauty is the over-sized ruby your grandmother bought to wear on her fingers. Instead of, say a loom or sewing machine.
Or if you like, try Example B. Cinderella.
A long time ago, most utensils were made from silver.
Silver Spoon lives in Big Wooden Cabinet, along with her sisters, Silver Fork and Silver Knife. One day, Thief sneaks in and steals Silver Fork and Silver Knife. Upon waking, Person discovers the missing utensils, and for lack of money, cannot replace the missing fork and knife, and uses Silver Spoon for All Purposes. Eventually, Person dies.
Several hundred years later, Silver Spoon is prominently in a display case, under "Late Fifteenth Century, French."
First, Example A. Let me first define 'The Three Spinners Archetype' as an archetype of stories where the girl is ultimately chosen for her looks and not for her industry. Following this archetype, the prince in Example A marries Beauty and rejects Practicality.
Like women, products can be purely desirable for decorative reasons. This was especially true in centuries prior to the Industrial Revolution. Like in the fairy tale, only princes could afford such non-practical accessories.
Example B is interesting, not only because Silver Spoon is a girl impersonator and is therefore comparable to a mere object. Although also bearing a fairy tale title, Example B is a deceiving depiction of a transition from traditional to modern ideals in woman and in things.
In Example B, Silver Spoon ultimately becomes most desirable and most valuable encased in glass as an important historical artifact. Unlike in Example A, Person considers Silver Spoon worth having, as she was very useful and served All-Purposes.
As far as products go, jewels and objets dıart are luxury items. And in the Twenty-first Century, the consumers prefer something else. Practicality. The Stainless Steel Spoon. |