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Richard W. DeVaul.
Cloth dynamics modeling using dynamic constraints.
Master's thesis, Texas A&M University, 1999.

Richard W. DeVaul.
Emergent design and image processing: a case study.
Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.

Richard W. DeVaul.
Slice 'n' dice and the wind-up browsers seminar.
Technical report, The Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.

Richard W. DeVaul and Bruce H. McCormick.
Neuron developmental modeling and structural representation 1: An introduction to the n++ language, an open stochastic l-system.
Technical report, Scientific Visualization Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University, 1996.

Donald H. House, Richard W. DeVaul, and David E. Breen.
Towards simulating cloth dynamics using interacting particles.
International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 8(3):75-94, 1996.

Bruce H. McCormick and Richard W. DeVaul.
Neuron developmental modeling and structural representation 2: The stochastic model.
Technical report, Scientific Visualization Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University, 1996.


Richard W. DeVaul