mas 110 exhibition - jshafer

Surrealist Egg


Reinterpret one of your previous pieces as a surrealist image.

Include the name of the previous assignment in your comments.

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// surrealist image from egg (problem 3C):
//egg suspended in uncertain space and time

paper 20

//far end of derived space, remaining static
//so as to offset dynamic front end

line 90 40 90 85
line 50 40 90 40
line 50 40 50 85
line 50 85 90 85
line 5 10 50 40

//slightly smaller version of egg from 3C,
//suspended by no obvious means in derived space

Load dbngraphics.dbn
repeat B 28 31
   Circle B 50 12 90
repeat B 34 37
   Circle B 50 14 70
repeat B 40 43
   Circle B 50 15 75
repeat B 45 48
   Circle B 50 14 60
repeat B 51 54
   Circle B 50 13 50
repeat B 57 60
   Circle B 50 11 45
repeat B 63 66
   Circle B 50 8 40
repeat B 68 70
   Circle B 50 5 25
repeat B 71 72
   Circle B 50 3 10

//an uncertain space in which to suspend
//the egg: a play on space and time

   line 5 10 5 60
   line 5 10 65 10
   line 5 60 65 60
   line 65 10 65 60
   line 5 60 50 85
   line 65 10 90 40
   line 65 60 90 85



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