Number Mod X Y
Value (X-(Y*(X/Y)))
Set RSEED 97
Number Random
Set BB 198621
Set MM (98921+)
Set RSEED (*)
Paper 0
command randomize row columns
//create an array of random 100's and 0's for each row
Repeat count 1 columns
Set r
//r spits out 0 or 1 randomly
Set selector (count+columns*row)
set (r*100)
command initialize rows columns
Repeat y 0 rows
randomize y columns
command fill start finish rows columns screenwidth speed
set countarray (columns*(rows+1))
repeat down (start/speed) (finish/speed)
repeat selector countarray 1
set [(selector%columns) (selector/columns)]
repeat selector 1 countarray
repeat i (down*speed-(speed/2)+1) (down*speed+(speed/2))
line (columns+1) i screenwidth i
command right rows columns screenwidth
set countarray (columns*(rows+1))
repeat t (-screenwidth) screenwidth
pen 0
line (columns+1) (rows/2+1 - t/10) ((screenwidth-columns-1)/2+columns+1) (rows/2+1)
pen 100
line screenwidth (rows/2+t/10) ((screenwidth-columns-1)/2+columns+1) (rows/2)
command left rows columns screenwidth
set countarray (columns*(rows+1))
repeat t (-screenwidth) screenwidth
pen 100
line (columns+1) (rows/2+t/10) ((screenwidth-columns-1)/2+columns+1) (rows/2)
pen 0
line screenwidth (rows/2+1 - t/10) ((screenwidth-columns-1)/2+columns+1) (rows/2+1)
command leftnull rows columns screenwidth
repeat t (-100) 0
pen 0
line (columns+1) (rows/2+1 - t/10) ((screenwidth-columns-1)/2+columns+1) (rows/2+1)
pen 100
line screenwidth (rows/2+t/10) ((screenwidth-columns-1)/2+columns+1) (rows/2)
command drain start finish
pen 0
repeat down start finish
line 10 down 100 down
command loop rows columns screenwidth speed
fill 0 (rows/2) rows columns screenwidth speed
right rows columns screenwidth
left rows columns screenwidth
right rows columns screenwidth
left rows columns screenwidth
right rows columns screenwidth
left rows columns screenwidth
leftnull rows columns screenwidth
fill (rows/2) rows rows columns screenwidth speed
drain rows 0
set rows 100
set columns 9
//maximum columns is floor of 1000/(rows+1)
set screenwidth 100
set speed 1
//speed should be 1, 2, 4, 6
initialize rows columns
loop rows columns screenwidth speed
Create a general method for abstractly filling the DBN paper area at variable percentages. In a display loop, show the 25 percent, 50 percent, and 75 percent solutions in rotation.