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projects in the aesthetics + computation group represent attention to the detail of computation rooted in the humanistic context of self-expression


physical language workshop :
the plw is the rebirth of the aesthetics + computation group (acg), and a return to some of the fundamental concepts of the visible language workshop.


processing : ben fry and casey reas
processing is an environment for learning the fundamentals of computer programming within the context of the electronic arts. it is an electronic sketchbook for developing ideas. processing is an open project initiated by ben fry and casey reas, of the interaction design institute ivrea.


Treehouse Studio : acg
A research project designed to introduce children and adults to the ideas of digital arts and design through a series of tools, exercises, and online activities.


eyebox : simon greenwold
a cheap, effective 3D scanner for volumetric reconstruction and object recognition.


cinema fabriqué : justin manor
cinema fabriqué is a system for producing engaging cinematic experiences in realtime for live audiences through natural language and gestural control.


i like to watch : simon greenwold
software that watches television and tries to locate the outlines of objects. when it sees something it likes, it announces it with an arrow and offers a suggestion as to what that thing might be. sometimes it tries to put words in the mouths of the characters.


inter-leaf : afsheen rais-rohani
architectural device for modulation and filtration of natural light


keygrip : justin manor
collapsing different facets of film and video production into a handheld device


specter : nikita pashenkov
it's... designer electronics: an exercise in turning a hardware challenge into a design problem while creating a microprocessor-based analog input/output device


installation : simon greenwold
as inhabitants of a physical realm we are equipped to deal with complicated problems of location and orientation. why don't the machines have any sense of space?


atmosphere : acg
in collaboration with the responsive environments group and the steelcase corporation, the acg created a multi-dimensional visualization for the museum of modern art.


anemone (live version) : ben fry
using the process of organic information design to visualize the changing structure of a web site, juxtaposed with usage information


genomic cartography : ben fry
a series of experiments combining visualization and genomics. expressing qualitative features of the human genome through advanced visual representations.


trundle : casey reas
integrating information processing technologies into kinetic sculpture creates new opportunities for exploring the aesthetics of movement and interaction.


design by numbers : acg
a collaboration in the acg to create a web-based environment that facilitates critical development in computational expression


reactive boxes : casey reas
three studies exploring various ways of interacting with sculptural systems and testing different sensors and motors


lint : elise co
communication through incidental physical contact. collected data particles as an abstraction of physical path.


instantiating computation : tom white
exploring visual representations of different models of computation that lend themselves to direct manipulation in order to better understand and construct infomation spaces


codefocus : jared schiffman
reeavaluating the process of writing programs and the visual environment in which this activity takes place. to make writing and reading code more inuitive through an enhanced visual infrastructure


the plaid : nikita pashenkov
a simple tool for creation & manipulation of (cube)forms in three dimensions, it raises a question about what constitutes design in an environment where there is little possibility for unique expression